Do you want to improve your product quality, reduce delivery time and reduce overall costs? Then it is time to examine your process optimization. By applying the LEAN philosophy and parallel processing knowledge to the powder processes, we have already taken a big step in the right direction, as this is often the key "ingredient" to remain competitive and deliver a better product, yet spending less process time.
We can help you analyse your cycle times, unnecessary handling, downtimes and other “waste” activities, we have the experience and solutions to help our customers become more efficient by using our knowledge within their optimization journey.
Tekemas A/S Headquarters
Naverland 2
DK-2600 Glostrup
Phone: +45 3670 6000
Mail: info@tekemas.com
Tekemas A/S - Jutland
Nydamsvej 47
DK-8362 Hørning
Phone: +45 3670 6000
Mail: info@tekemas.com
Tekemas AB - Nordic office
Varlabergsvägen 16F
SE-434 39 Kungsbacka
Phone: +45 3670 6000
Mail: info@tekemas.com
Tekemas Poland Sp.Z o.o. :
Ul Krakowska 1B
PL-39-200 Dębica
Phone: +45 3670 6000
Mail: info@tekemas.com